It’s gunna be a bright sunshiney day!
The Shoulak family loves sharing this day with you, but now we’ll be celebrating wherever we are, so share your home watch parties using #SHOUBF. Save the date for another great virtual BreastFest Music Festival!
Saturday, September 25th | 2pm-6pm CST
How can you have a virtual music festival?
We made a lot of adjustments to take the party INdoors and still rock OUT in 2020 and learned from it! We didn’t want to skip a year of support for the community we love and were willing to get creative. Everyone who knows the Shoulaks can agree that’s right up their alley.
Even if most people are vaccinated by September 25th, 2021 the Shoulak BreastFest Board of Directors decided to host a virtual event either way. Feel free to host your own BreastFest watch party and use #SHOUBF so we can celebrate with you!
This event will take place on Twitch, the popular streaming services where users usually watch a number of live streamers play video games, cook, make crafts and much more. If you want to tune into BreastFest 2021: Walkin’ on Sunshine, you will not need to make an account, just bookmark the link below.
Just go to twitch.tv/shoubf on the day of the event to join in the fun! The festival will also stream out to out YouTube and Facebook accounts.
Be the first to know when bidding starts & the event goes LIVE!
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Saturday, Sept. 25th 2pm-6pm CST
Host Your Own Dance Party
If you’re comfortable getting a little group to tune in together, we want to see how you celebrate! We don’t want to put anyone at risk, but if you’re locked down and still want to break it down, use #SHOUBF to share your shimmies with us! We even have some ideas for starters:

Get Creative
You might not have the materials to do official face painting, but try a silly hair-style or an over-the-top makeup look. Since you don’t have a video when watching our live feed, you can look any sort of way!

Get Dressed Up
Dust off that jazzy jumper or even go overly-formal and squeeze back into that old prom dress. It’s a party and you’ll wear pom-pom headbands if you want to!

Get Moving
One of the cornerstones of BreastFest as a music festival is the MUSIC! We’ll be keeping the tunes playing on our end, but it’s no fun dancing with yourself. Send us your videos so we can share the love using #SHOUBF.

We can’t do everything
But everyone can do something